Tuesday, November 21, 2006

On my bike

Back cycling in to work. I'm trying to convince myself that I missed it and I think I have. Although, by the time I get home I feel pretty tired. I know it does me good, clears my head and gives me the opportunity to reflect on the day.

Saturday was spent at the Hope Centre in Hanley celebrating Mind's 30th Birthday. It was a great day. There were so many things going on, I would love to have had more time to be able to have a go at everything. I did get a chance to play some African drums though, courtesy of David from Stoke. He was very patient, and by the end it was all coming together producing some slick rhythms - my hands were complaining though.


purkul said...

hi m

well done for being all motivated and cycling to work.

it's something that i know i would benifit from my self but i think i'm far too superficial and a wee bit lazy to do the whole getting changed when i get to work and being all hot n bothered!

i do enjoy walking but like so many things that are good for me for some strange reason i tend to put off doing such things dispite the obvious benifits.

walkings more my thing but with the dark nights i've got a ready made excuse to put it off!! but i might feel a bit safer going on me bike- so i'm gonna dig it out this week end!

cheers m


emma said...

Good for you Nat! You're not superficial in the slightest - you're stylish- there's a massive massive difference.