Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Would I have the courage?

Whilst lying in bed this morning listening to the radio
a news story came on about a woman called Irena Sendlerowa. She was being honoured at the age of 97 by the Polish government for rescuing 2500 Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto. Apparently she managed to use the Polish underground army disguised as workmen to smuggle the children out in tool bags.

She was caught and tortuted by the Gestapo but refused to give details as to the whereabouts of the children. Eventually, she was sentenced to be executed but escaped after her guards were bribed.

The courage it must take to do such a thing is extraordinary. When I read the blogs here, I'm struck by this too. Simon's blog about helping the chap home, such a selfless act and Alec's determination not to stand during the speech of the Chief exec despite the pressure of EVERYBODY else standing. And the way people talk about their experiences so honestly. Would I have had the courage to act alone like that or be to be so open? I would like to think I would - I hope I would - but...


klahanie said...

Hi Emma-
"but..." You know in your heart what is right. Would you act alone? Your sense of justice would provide you with the courage that would be required.
"The power of one."

Alec said...

Don't do yourself down. If the time came, you would meet the challenge.

(And by the way, my refusal to stand wasn't a big deal. I was at the back of the room, so few people would have seen me, and I only managed to avoid the little game because I'd been fore-warned. If I hadn't known, I would have played along too. The woman you wrote about really was brave.)

purkul said...

hya etcb,

no buts or mayb's i no ya would. it think over things like that it tends to be a case of it not being a choice its just something that you couldn't not do!

so you've prob done things that other people would find fantastical but you didn't think twice about so don't realise how fantastical they r!


emma said...

Thanks for the comments - they were really good to read. M x.

tone the blueshawk said...

I know you weren't looking for affirmation when you wrote this post - but I like the others feel certain you are possessed of that sort of integrity - txxx