Sunday, March 11, 2007

What a difference 3 days make.

Last night was the last night of the production of a play at a local high school - nothing much to blog about perhaps. But there hasn't been one in the last 7 years. So, for 3 nights after 5 months of organising and rehearsing it all came together. There were 11 musicians and over 50 actors (including the choir) in one way or another a fifth of the school were involved. It happened because of one persons drive, which quickly became two peoples' determination and from there it was never in doubt. Amazing how this can happen. It was a lesson in how to build young people's confidence and aspirations. Here's to you all - last night was a triumph! Thanks for the invite.


klahanie said...

Hi Emma-
I think your blog has much to say. One person's vision realised a dream. People at the high school pulling together in a united cause.
How empowering for all involved. How rewarding for the young people.
What a powerful lesson. May the "triumph" be an inspiration to all their future endeavours.
Thank you for a thought-provoking blog.

Domenica said...

Hi Emma,
Your blog confirms what we already knew, ie. 'THE POWER OF ONE' and how this then manifests into 'MAKING A DIFFERENCE' With this mind-set anything and everything is possible!
It then gathers momentum and goes on to touch so many people's lives in a very positive way. Dx