Saturday, February 03, 2007

Is 'outage' a real word.

I suppose outage is a real word if someone uses it and other people grap it and use it too. That's how stuff and ideas come into being isn't it? It infiltrates your world and before you know it, you can't imagine what it was like without it. I'm rambling a bit here.

What I wanted to say was, what a beautiful day it's been. It could have been May rather than February. I was busy all day (in between playing my guitar) - the back door was open and the sun poured through. I bobbed about in the back garden, mending fence panels, doing other stuff (sure I did more than just that) - but anyway what a brilliant day. I felt utterly content all day.

Ps. I checked outage - it seems it is a real word, although Microsoft word couldn't furnish me with a definition - mmm...

1 comment:

tone the blueshawk said...

that's outageous (flippin' MS)- and yes, what a magnificent day (and Friday and Sunday were pretty good as well) - txxx