Friday, January 26, 2007

Book learning.

I'm really lucky to work as a notetaker at a university. This means that I learn about loads of different subjects, but never have to revise for an exam - although I do sit them with the students and scribe for them. So far, I've taken notes for most a of a law degree - which has been quite fascinating and dare I say, quite useful at times. I've taken notes on advice work and social policy and even sat through films taking notes - brill or what. But on Thursday, it was ethics - which is really philosophy - blimey! Sure does make you think - it made me think how little I do think - so got to do more of that. I also sat through a forensic science lecture based on the different types of drugs and their effects. That made me think too.


purkul said...


well i must say i do miss uni thinking. i did english & psychology n found that being encouraged to read into thinngs, find hidden meanings and metaphores & generaly thinking beyond what is presented before you a real brain work out.

but as you say i wouldn't at all want the exams and coursework again!

be careful of expanding that brain too much else ya might av all kinds a problems getting through doorways etc ! :-) ha ha!


Alec said...

That's a brilliant job to have. But how do you know what to note down and what to miss out?

emma said...

To be honest Alec, I write as much as I can. I reckon that I write far more than they really need - but I'm so conscious not to miss things that I probably over compensate. Its interesting to see the different styles of lecturer and you get to know their quirks - but there are some who are very brilliant (particularly law lecturers) One in particualr - all in his head - facts literally at his fingertips. I believe he's a practicing barrister and I can well believe it.

tone the blueshawk said...

what a fantastic thing to do - I'd love to do it. Do you take notes longhand? I virtually never actually write anything now as holding a pen is uncomfortable.
One of the very few good things about getting old is the decreasing likelihood of ever having to take an exam again.

Defiant said...


I find it hard to believe that you don't think enough!
