Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Believe in the power of one!

Someone special said this to me today - what an empowering idea.


purkul said...


defo do, cuz 1 together becomes two, that becomes 4 that becomes 8....

then who knows!


Domenica said...

I definately believe in "THE POWER OF ONE" If we look back at some of the great charismatic figures from the past, and what they managed to achieve, which proves to me that ONE person can make a huge difference.

tone the blueshawk said...

one is good when added to one and one and then one etc(b)...

Defiant said...


What does the power of one mean to you?


emma said...

To me it means that you can make a difference without relying on others to start the process. It means that one person, acting alone at first can inspire others and before long the whole world can be touched in a positive way. I'm a bit of a romantic - but you gotta start somewhere and starting with yourself is probably a good place to begin. It's like smiling or being hopeful - it gathers momentum and it only take one person to start.