Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The green eyed monster!

Jealousy is a terrible thing and I admit I am jealous. I want to have the moon waining on my blog like Blueshawk's blog.

Would a kindly person be able tell me how it's done?

Thank you so much.


purkul said...


1 word


couple of more words!

fabulously etcb


Just Me said...

If you want to show the moon phases on your blog go to this site -

And follow the instructions. It will mean adding some code to your blog temlate so let me know if you need any help :)

tone the blueshawk said...

Elle has it right of course - and I would also be delighted to show how to get it on your blog. It's easier if you have updated your blog to the new version (formerly beta) - that makes adding widgets, link lists, tags easier/possible. I love having all these bis and pieces on my blog and have to forcibly restrain myself from put more one - if I had all the bits I wanted the page would take about a week to load.
BTW - I don't think it is jealousy, just think of it as virtual acquisitiveness - love txxx

Domenica said...

I know exactly how you feel, and have to admit to a little bit of envy myself, when I see the sophisticated blog sites of some of my fellow bloggers.

But when they are kind enough to share their knowledge, as they do, It's great.

Alec said...

This won't be very interesting for people who don't use Apple Mac computers, but I've just upgraded my operating system to v10.4, which means I can now have widgets on my desktop.

My favourite provides random quotes from the Simpsons. They make me snigger.

emma said...

I didn't know you used Apple Macs Alec - so do I. The widgets are brill aren't they. Gonna have a dig for the Simpson one - sounds good fun.

tone the blueshawk said...

Windows Vista will have "gadgets" on the desktop - playing catch-up again - and the cheapest version is £99 (just to upgrade from XP) - txxx