Sunday, April 15, 2007

Simple satisfying things

Long soak in the tub
Having all the right documents when you re-tax your motor
Bagging up pennies and finding that they're all correct when exchanging for 'real' money
Doing a job that you've put off for months (or probably years) only to find it takes no time and is really easy
Planting seeds when you're meant to
Snow drops
Blue bells
Sculptures (particularly if they've not been drawn on)
A satisfying sleep
Smell of freshly cut grass
Cooking something new that actually tastes nice
A good cup of tea
Answering two questions in a row on University Challenge (these are particular to me!)

How about you?


Domenica said...

Hi Em,
"Teach us delight in simple things and the pleasures thereof" I think it was St.Paul wasn't it that said these now famous words. (and for me at least) the simple things in life are without a doubt the best, and can have the greatest impact on our well-being, on a long -term basis.
My list would include the following:
A beautiful sunset
lakes,rivers,streams,waterfalls, ponds,the sea(I seem to have an affinity with water - that seems to give me a true prespective on life)
All of nature:
trees,plants,flowers,hedgerows, grass,etc.etc.
Good,stimulating conversation
Laughter(one of the greatest tonics there is)
Warm sunshine
Watching a bird soaring across the sky
A meadow or field
Observing animals
Looking up at the stars on a clear night
Good healthy food(cooked with the best fresh ingredients)
Sharing all of the above
And of course the great bonus is most of these don't cost a thing in monetry terms!
Thank you so much for writing this post,it has helped me to refocus and regain some of my positivity at a time when things were looking a little bleak.
Thanks also for your kind comment on my last post - but remember that I have also learned a lot from you, (it's a two way street - this learning business)
Finally, thanks again for that wonderful list of 'enriching thoughts' you gave me, it now has 'pride of place' on my 'wall of insperation' D x

purkul said...


may i just say i'm loving the new look!!! bright and sunny to match the weather!

Bob Dylan what can i say, only top stuff i guess propper leg - end!!!

glad you enjoyed it.

i fancy going newcastle its one of those things that i never quite get around to despite having family up there, so i'd have a base to land at!

maybe i'll get around to it that bit sooner mean as though you rated it so highly!

where's the next gig then? i hear the mighty cades are fab!!! ;-)


Clare Hill said...

Could I add to the list - filling in the cryptic crossword without having to make any answers up?
Nice list!