Sunday, October 29, 2006


I was out bid on a hob on Ebay - it was identical to our currently dead one. It would have been ideal. I was the only bidder right up until the last 10 minutes.Final sale price was £11.23. I was outbid whilst washing the dishes.

Moral of the tale - don't wash dishes. Back using the camping stove and running low on gas.


The list - well - I scrubbed the kitchen floor, which wasn't on the list but should have been, so I'm counting that as one I can cross off.


chris164 said...

i've gotta say em, thats a hek of a way to be out bid. Especially at £11.23

emma said...

Tell me about it!

Anonymous said...

It's a right pain at the end of a bid - you've got to get you timing just right haven't you?
Have you tried putting a request on Freecycle? Are you looking just for a hob top, or a whole cooker? - let me know and I'll ask around for you. Tone x

emma said...

That's very good of you Tone. It's actually just the hob, but its extra big (810 mm to be precise) and extra old. My 'make do and mend' attitude towards stuff combined with the meanie in me, means that I can't face the whole buying a new cooker/hob scenario coz, it will involve having to get kitchen worktops too. My sister, who I love dearly keeps asking when I'm getting a new kitchen and she's been asking since we moved in 13 years ago - and I still can't really see the problem.