Friday, September 29, 2006

Seeing the stars

How brilliant that all the people of Reykjavik managed to see the stars last night. Everyone turned their lights off for 30 minutes whilst an astronomer gave a guide to the stars. I'd loved to have been there.

Otherwise - working on the project. It's been an exciting week. The difference is so marked. Went to a superb seminar on new media by the media trust. Paul Caplan talked very enthusiastically for over 2 hours about everything to do with blogging. Getting a much better grasp of how it's all going to work and we're planning to start a wiki for the steering group log on to. There are literally a million things to do at once and it's about where to begin. Paul mentioned a book 'the naked conversation' I think I ought to read it.


purkul said...

Hya Em,

Great to see your blogg up and running. Thought I'd post a comment, basically just to see how its done!!!

Ha ha


Anonymous said...

we were in Iceland in February the skies were incredibly clear (for the first time in a couple of months) and we could see both the stars and the aurora from less well lit bits of Reykjavik. We travelled out of the city into nearby mountains one night (it was mucho dark and cold) and saw the most spectacular skies - (near the bottom of page). We went again this summer and had the opposite experience - no stars 'cos it was light through the night.
It's good to see your blog - I'll visit regularly - Tone x